Purchase I SAW THEM STANDING THERE online by clicking on the following links:
Barnes & Noble
Rock & Roll Hall of Fame Library + Archives
Brooklyn Museum NY Room, McCartney photo exhibit "Eyes of the Storm"
Plaque linking my comments on McCartney within his exhibition "Eyes of the Storm" Brooklyn Museum
Hear my commentary in Sir Paul McCartney's photography exhibit on the Bloomberg Connects app, for the Brooklyn Museum on Beatles' New York adventures of 1964. I share via audio clips insight on fans, the Sullivan show and the vigil outside of The Plaza Hotel.
At SiriusXM Studio in Manhattan recording an interview for Canada Talks (2024)
At entrance to Grammy Museum at L.A. Live
Presenting at the Grammy Museum (2024)
In Manhattan studio recording her comments for inclusion in the Brooklyn Museum's exhibition of Paul McCartney's Eye of the Storm audio guide (April 2024)
In Manhattan studio recording her comments for inclusion in the Brooklyn Museum's exhibition of Paul McCartney's Eye of the Storm audio guide (April 2024)
Presentation to The Friends of the Beverly Hills Public Library (May 1, 2024)
Presentation at Municipal Gallery, Beverly Hills City Hall to The Friends of he Beverly Hills Public Library
At the Grammy Museum LA
"Ladies and Gentlemen ...
The Beatles" Traveling Exhibit (2016)
BBC Documentary Beatlemania
New York Times photo by J. Emilio Flores (2014)
UCLA Class with producers Walter Shenson and screenwriter Marc Behm photo by Jill Jarrett
Telegram requesting help to promote release of A Hard Day's Night
Interviewed for Entertainment Tonight photo by Jill Jarrett
Articles and Press (click on links to see more)